Câu bị động lớp 10 hay, có đáp án

Tài liệu Câu bị động lớp 10 hay, có đáp án trình bày khái quát lại ngữ pháp, cấu trúc, cách dùng cũng như bài tập có đáp án chi tiết nhằm mục đích giúp học sinh ôn luyện ngữ pháp và đạt kết quả cao trong các bài thi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10.

Câu bị động lớp 10 hay, có đáp án

Muốn đổi câu từ thể chủ động sang thể thụ động, ta thực hiện các bước sau:

Active (chủ động): Subject + Verb + Object

Passive (bị động): Subject + be + Past Participle + by Object

Lưu ý: Động từ to be ở thì nào thi câu bị động ở thì đó.

Thể bị động được dùng khi:

a) Không biết hay không cần biết đến tác nhân thực hiện hành động.

Ex: This house was built in 1999.

Ngôi nhà này được xây vào năm 1999.

b) Muốn nhấn mạnh người hoặc vật thực hiện hành động.

Ex: This house was designed by Hung.

Căn nhà này được thiết kế bởi Hùng.

1. Câu bị động cơ bản với các thì thường gặp





Simple present tense


am/ is/ are + Ved/ V3

I clean my room every day.

-> My room is cleaned by me every day.

Present continuous lease

am/ is/ are + V- ing

am/ is/ are + being + Ved/ V3


Lan is helping her mother with housework.

—> Her mother is being helped with housework by Lan.

Simple past tense

v-ed/ v2

was/were+ Ved/ V3

I called him last night.

—> He was called by me last night.

Past continuous tense

was/ were+ V-ing

was/ were + being + Ved/ V3

They were watching al soccer match at 7 o’clock last night.

—> A soccer match was being watched at 7 o’clock last night.

Simple future tense

will/ shall+


will/ shall + be + Ved/ V3

I will help her.

—> She will be helped by me. 

Present perfect tense

have/ has + Ved/ V3

have/has + been + Ved/ V3

They have seen this film 1 many times.

->This film has been seen! Many times.

Modal verbs

modal verb + V nguyên thể

modal verb + be + Ved/ V3

I can use this machine.

—>This machine can be used by me.

2. Câu bị động nâng cao

 Để tránh dùng các danh từ hay đại từ nhân xưng như they hoặc people, ta dùng thể bị động với những động từ tường thuật (reporting verbs): say, believe, understand, know.

Ex: People say that this girl lives in Australia.

—> This girl is said to live in Australia. (Người ta nói rằng cô gái này sống ở úc.)

Ta có thể tóm tắt như sau:

People/ They + say/ believe... + that + S + V + ...

Cách 1: It + be + said/ believed... + that + S + V +...

Cách 2: S+ be+ said/ believed... + to-infinitive

To + have + Ved/ V3


Ta dùng to have + Ved/ V3 khi động từ tường thuật và động từ trong mệnh đề chính chênh lệch về thì.

Ex: People say that he was given a scholarship.

—> He is said to have been given a scholarship.

Bài tập

Exercise 1. Change the sentences below into passive voice.

1. The cat ate a fish.

2. Children look after their old grandparents.

3. I saw a nice girl at the party last night.

4. Do you like toys?

5. We drink milk every morning.

6. She’s cleaning the floor now.

7. She will solve the problem soon.

8. We’re doing our homework at the moment.

9. Were you learning your lesson at 7 pm last night?

10. They’ve just finished their work.

Đáp án:

1. A fish was eaten by the cat.

2. Children’s old grandparents are looked after by the children/ them.

3. A nice girl was seen at the party last night by me.

4. Are toys liked by you?

5. Milk is drunk every morning by us.

6. The floor is being cleaned now.

7. The problem will be solved by her soon.

8. Our homework is being done by us at the moment.

9. Was your lesson being learned by you at 7 pm last night?

10. Their work has just been finished.

Exercise 2. Change the sentences below into passive voice.

1. One of the cleaners has found my purse.

2. The robber hit him on the head with a hammer.

3. The government has built a new road in this area.

4. The assistant handed me a note.

5. We elected John class representative.

6. Someone has taken my wallet.

7. Many people use bicycles as a means of transport.

8. They advised me to get a visa.

9. They were rebuilding the old road when I drove by.

10. The local council opened a new shopping centre.

Đáp án:

1. My purse has been found by one of the cleaners.

2. He was hit on the head with a hammer (by the robber).

3. A new road has been built in this area (by the government).

4. I was handed a note (by the assistant).

5. John was elected class representative.

6. My wallet has been taken.

7. Bicycles are (often, widely) used as a means of transport.

8. I was advised to get a visa.

9. The old road was being rebuilt when I drove by.

10. A new shopping centre was opened by the local council.

Exercise 3. Change the sentences below into passive voice.

1. They moved the fridge into the living room.

2. My son finds the new project worthless.

3. He started this work last month.

4. They finished the kitchen’s building on Saturday.

5. We apointed a new marketing manager.

6. People spend a lot of money on advertising every day.

7. She showed her ticket to the airline agent.

8. He hides the broken cup in the drawer.

9. People speak English all over the world.

10. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877.

Đáp án:

1. The fridge was moved into the living room.

2. The new project is found worthless by my son.

3. This work was started last month.

4. The kitchen’s building was finished on Saturday.

5. A new marketing manager was apointed.

6. A lot of money is spent on advertising every day.

7. Her ticket was shown to the airline agent.

8. The broken cup is hidden in the drawer.

9. English is spoken all over the world.

10. The phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison in 1877.

Exercise 4. Rewrite the sentence using modal verbs in passive.

1. Ann can't use her office at the moment.

Her office ____________________________________________.

2. I have to finish my work now.

My work _____________________________________________.

3. You must do your task.

Your task ____________________________________________.

4. Governments should offer poor women more help.

Poor women__________________________________________.

5. We must do something before it's too late.

Something ___________________________________________.

6. My uncle may earn 500$ a day.

500$ _______________________________________________.

7. He might have caught the fish.

The fish _____________________________________________.

8. They will sue the company for wage discrimination.

The company ________________________________________.

9. She could have washed the dress.

The dress ___________________________________________.

10. She can't pick many flowers.

Many flowers ________________________________________.

Đáp án:

1. Her office can’t be used by Ann at the moment.

2. My work has to be finished now.

3. Your task must be done.

4. Poor women should be offered more help by governments.

5. Something must be done before it’s too late.

6. 500$ a day may be earned by my uncle.

7. The fish might have been caught by him.

8. The company will be sued for wage discrimination.

9. The dress could have been washed by her.

10. Many flowers can’t be picked by her.

Exercise 5. Change these sentences below into an active voice.

1. The tree is being planted in the garden by her father now.

2. A small house has just been built here by the builders.

3. The book was written by that famous author.

4. You will be helped by your teacher.

5. A rat is being chased by my cat.

6. We are taught English by Mr. Nguyen.

7. The lesson is now being explained by Ms. Hoa.

8. A big hole was dug in the yard by her brother.

9. Milk will be made by the waitress.

10. A small package was sent to me last week.

Đáp án:

1. Her father is planting the tree in the garden now.

2. The builders have just built a small house here.

3. That famous author wrote the book.

4. Your teacher will help you.

5. My cat is chasing a rat.

6. Mr. Nguyen teaches us English.

7. Ms. Hoa is explaining the lesson now.

8. Her brother dug a big hole in the yard.

9. The waitress will make milk.

10. Someone sent a small package to me last week./ Someone sent me a small package last week.

Exercise 6. Change these sentences into the passive voice by filling in the missing words.

1. People eat 40 million hamburgers every day.

→ 40 million hamburgers _________________.

2. People speak English all over the world.

→ English_____________________________.

3. Where did they invent gunpowder?

→ Where _____________________________.

4. The police didn’t find the missing girl last weekend.

→ The missing girl _____________________.

5. Tourists don’t visit this museum very often.

→ This museum _______________________.

Đáp án:

1. 40 million hamburgers are eaten every day.

2. English is spoken all over the world.

3. Where was gunpowder invented?

4. The missing girl wasn’t found by the police last weekend.

5. This museum isn’t visited very often by tourists.

Exercise 7. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the passive voice.

1. The words (to explain - Present simple) ________ by the teacher.

2. My car (to steal - Past simple) ________ while I was gardening.

3. A new restaurant (to open - Future simple) ________ next week

4. Our street (to close - Present continuous) ________ because of snow.

5. A new house (to build - be going to) ________ by my parents next month.

Đáp án:

1. are explained

2. was stolen

3. will be opened

4. is being closed

5. is going to be built

Exercise 8. Change the following sentences into the Passive Voice.

1. People think that all dogs evolved from wolves.

→ All dogs ________________________________.

2. They didn’t allow Tom to take these books home.

→ _______________________________________.

3. The teacher won’t correct the exercises tomorrow.

→ _______________________________________.

4. They didn’t look after the children properly.

→ _______________________________________.

5. Nobody’s ever treated me with such kindness.

→ _______________________________________.

6. She will get a veterinary surgeon to examine her dog.

→ She will get _____________________________.

7. We had a man take this photograph when we were on holiday last summer.

→ We had ________________________________.

8. People think that many people were killed in the accident.

→ Many people____________________________.

9. How many languages do they speak in Canada?

→ _______________________________________.

10. Someone had invented electric lights before I was born.

→ _______________________________________.

Đáp án:

1. All dogs are thought to have evolved from wolves.

2. Tom wasn't allowed to take these books home.

3. The exercises won't be corrected by the teacher tomorrow.

4. The children weren't looked after properly.

5. I have never been treated with such kindness.

6. She will get her dog examined by a veterinary surgeon.

7. We had this photograph taken by a man when we were on holiday last summer.

8. Many people are thought to have been killed in the accident.

9. How many languages are spoken in Canada?

10. Electric lights had been invented before I was born.

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